
Here are some ideas that I've been thinking about. If you're interested in collaborating on any of these, please get in touch.

  • 📊 Email-reports from Kibana / ElasticSearch something similar. but not quite the same. But I need kind of Metabase reports. Kibana has dashboard, but no emails so far.
  • 🤖 Telegram-bot that reminds me of articles that I put in my reading list. Features estimation reading time (or watching time in case it's video), short summary (by AI), automatical tagging.
  • 🍅 5-minute Facts Pomodoro is a tiny app that functions as a pomodoro tracker, providing you with fun fact articles from Wikipedia that fit into your break time.
  • 👀 Keep an Eye on My MacBook is an application that sends an alarm to your phone and captures a photo if someone touches your laptop. It's useful for public spaces when you need to step away from your device.
  • 🎶 Kalimba Hero AR - set up your phone's camera and learn to play using AR guidance.